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Human Rights MCQ Quiz: Here we have share the National Human Rights Commission Test Questions and Answers. MCQ on Human Rights questions PDF format are also given below. Candidate who are preparing for competitive exams, entrance exams and interview may use this Human Rights objective type Quiz. Students are kindly practice these all questions. Remaining questions will be updated soon. Read the below Human Rights questions with confident to prepare the competitive exams, entrance exams and interview. These all are most important questions, so candidate study for this topic thoroughly. People may use this chance to get good marks score in examination.

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Human Rights Quiz Questions and Answer

1.  International Women’s Day is observed___________

  1. March 8
  2. March 28
  3. June 5
  4. August 15

Answer: March 8

2. Sardar Sarovar project is in ___________river.

  1. Kaveri River
  2. Yamuna River
  3. Narmada River
  4. none

Answer:  Yamuna River

3. Which of the following is the first charter of Human’s rights?

  1. The Cyrus cylinder
  2. Constitution of media
  3. Bill of rights
  4. None

Answer: The Cyrus cylinder

4. Chipko Movement was against________________

  1. Pollution issue
  2. Cutting the trees
  3. Scarcity of water
  4. none

Answer: Cutting the trees

5. Who is the leader of NBA? 

  1. Medha Patkar
  2. Kanshi Ram
  3. Arundhati Rai
  4.  none

Answer: Arundhati Rai

6. State Human Rights Commission constituted in which section?

  1. Section 22
  2. Section 20
  3. Section 21
  4. Section 23

Answer: Section 21

7. Which movement focused on the displacement  and rehabilitation? 

  1.  Mittani Movement
  2. Narmada Bachao Andolan
  3. Chipko Movement
  4. None

Answer: Narmada Bachao Andolan

8. Who played an important role in international human rights law?

  1. The United Nations
  2. World War
  3. Economic summit
  4. None

Answer: The United Nations

9. The Human Rights Commission in States are established under which of the following Law.

  1. State Protection of Human Rights
  2. Protection of Human Rights Act
  3. Constitution of India
  4. The United Nations (Privileges and Immunities)

Answer: Protection of Human Rights Act

10. Who was the first chairman of the National Human rights Commission?

  1. J. J.S. Verma
  2. J. Ranganath Mishra
  3. J. K.G. Balakirshnan
  4. J. A.S. Anand

Answer: J. Ranganath Mishra

11. Who adopted the landmark document, the universal declaration of human rights?

  1. UNO
  4. None

Answer: UNO

12. Which article of the universal declaration of human rights tells that the right of nationality depends on one’s wish?

  1. Article 30
  2. Article 20
  3. Article 10
  4. Article 15

Answer: Article 15

13.  In which year have the changes been made in the NHRC (National Human Right Commission) Act?

  1. 2006
  2. 2000
  3. 1999
  4. 2005

Answer: 2006

14. Where is an International criminal court located?

  1. The Hague
  2. Paris
  3. Geneva
  4. Brussels

Answer: The Hague

15. Who appoints the Chairman of the State Human Rights Commission?

  1. Governor
  2. President
  3. Prime Minister
  4. Chief Minister

Answer: Governor

16. When was the universal declaration of human rights adopted by UNO?

  1. 10th December 1948
  2. 10th December 1946
  3. 10th December 1949
  4. 10th December 1947

Answer: 10th December 1948

17. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution provides for ___________

  1. Right to lively and liberal life
  2. Right to subsist
  3. Right to lively and liberal life
  4. Right to die

Answer: Right to lively and liberal life

18. What is the retirement age of the chairman of NHRC?

  1. 55
  2. 65
  3. 70
  4. 60

Answer: 70

19. Including the Chairperson how many members will be there in the State Human Rights Commission

  1. Six Members
  2. Eight Members
  3. Four Members
  4. Five Members

Answer: Six Members

20. Article 340 of the Indian constitution deals with _____________

  1. Union Public Service Commission
  2. Election commission
  3. Backward classes commission
  4. Finance commission

Answer: Backward class commission

21. Who was the first chairman of the commission on human rights?

  1. Thomas Paine
  2. Eleanor Roosevelt
  3. Thomas Jefferson
  4. None

Answer: Eleanor Roosevelt

22. NHRC consists of a chairman and _____________

  1. Two members
  2. Three members
  3. Four members
  4. None

Answer: Four members

23. Where is the headquarter of the NHRC (National Human Rights Commission)?

  1. Mumbai
  2. Delhi
  3. Kolkata
  4. Ahmedabad

Answer: Delhi

24. Who is the chairman of the committee which recommends the chairman and members of NHRC to the president?

  1. Finance Minister
  2. President
  3. Prime Minister
  4. Home Minister

Answer: Prime Minister

25. The Universal declaration of human rights was adopted under whose chairmanship?

  1. Jawaharlal Nehru
  2. Adolf Hitler
  3. Eleanor Roosevelt
  4. None

Answer: Eleanor Roosevelt

26.  The tenure of the chairperson of NHRC (National Human Rights Commission) is ____________

  1. 3 years or up to 69 years of age
  2. 4 years or up to 68 years of age
  3. 5 years or up to 70 years of age
  4. None

Answer: 5 years or up to 70 years of age

27. Who is the author of the book “Human rights and inhuman wrongs”?

  1. Upendra Baxi
  2. R. Krishna Iyer
  3. Chiranjeev Nirmal
  4. None

Answer: V.R. Krishna Iyer

28. Which of the following article of the Indian constitution prohibits hazardous jobs to children?

  1. Article 21
  2. Article 24
  3. Article 23
  4. Article 25

Answer: Article 24

29. The Universal declaration of human rights is applicable to ______________

  1. Some countries
  2. The citizens of UN member countries
  3. Every individual, regardless of religion, race, gender, or cultural background
  4. None

Answer: Every individual, regardless of religion, race, gender, or cultural background

30. What is the full form of UNHCR?

  1. United Nations health committee for refugees
  2. United Nations high-level committee for refugees
  3. United Nations high commissioner for refugees
  4. None

Answer: United Nations high commissioner for refugees

31. What is the full form of ECOSOC?

  1. Economic and social council
  2. Eco social council
  3. Eco society of Canada
  4. None

Answer: Economic and social council

32.  Which of the following year is observed as the International Year of the child?

  1. 1979
  2. 1959
  3. 1949
  4. None

Answer: 1979

33. On which anniversary of the Universal Declaration of human rights, the slogan “All human rights for all” was adopted?

  1. 30th
  2. 50th
  3. 12th
  4. None

Answer: 50th

34. When did the NHRC (National Human Rights Commission) of India constitute?

  1. 1990
  2. 1992
  3. 1993
  4. 1991

Answer: 1993

35. The human rights day is observed on_________

  1. 9th December
  2. 10th December
  3. 1st December
  4. None

Answer: 10th December

36. Which of the following can be the chairman of NHRC (National Human rights commission)?

  1. Anyone who is appointed by the president
  2. Any retired chief justice of the supreme court
  3. Any sitting judge of the supreme court
  4. All of the above

Answer: Any retired chief justice of the supreme court

37. How many articles are there in the Universal Declaration of human rights?

  1. 15
  2. 20
  3. 25
  4. 30

Answer: 30

38. Which of the following country has adopted the “Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen”?

  1. India
  2. Italy
  3. France
  4. All of the above

Answer: France

39.  In which of the following year, the declaration of the rights of the child passed by the UN?

  1. 1969
  2. 1959
  3. 1949
  4. None

Answer: 1959

40. Who is the current chairman of the NHRC (National Human rights commission)?

  1. Justice H.L. Dattu
  2. Justice A.S. Anand
  3. All of above
  4. None of above

Answer: Justice H.L. Dattu

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