DGHS Group B & C Salary 2023 (Post Wise), Check DGHS Group B & C In Hand Salary

DGHS Group B & C Salary 2024 | DGHS Group B & C Salary Per Month | DGHS Group B & C In Hand Salary | DGHS Group B & C Grade Pay | DGHS Field Worker Salary  | DGHS Group B & C Job Profile @ main.mohfw.gov.in

DGHS Group B & C Salary 2024: This page contains the DGHS Field Worker Salary, DGHS Health Inspector Salary, DGHS Laboratory Attendant Salary, etc information in a detailed manner. You may obtain the In Hand Salary, Grade Pay, Salary Slip, Job Profile, & Many more information. There are a lot of candidates who will apply for this recruitment process every year. Each year the DGHS Group B & C Salary structure will be changed slightly. So you may get the up-to-date current Salary norms, pay slips, scale, career growth, & other information on this blog. We are here to give you detailed information about the salary details for all jobs. So continue to read the entire article

Summary Of DGHS Group B & C Salary Per Month/ DGHS Field Worker Salary 

Organization Name Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Job Name Group B & C
Hiring Process CBT
Category Salary
Official Website main.mohfw.gov.in

DGHS Group B & C Salary Per Month

  • Rs. 18,000-1,42,400/-

DGHS Health Inspector Salary Per Month/ DGHS Laboratory Attendant Salary Per Month

  • Rs.18,000 to 56,900/- (Pay Level-01)

DGHS Group B & C Salary In Hand

  • Rs.18000 /-

DGHS Field Worker In Hand Salary 

Component Details
Pay Level 1
Pay Scale INR .18,000 to 56,900

DGHS Field Worker Salary Per Month

  • Pay Matrix Level 1  (INR18,000 to 56,900).

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Govt Jobs by Qualifications

Education & Vacancies Salary Apply Link
10th Pass Govt Jobs - 5,000 Vacancies Rs. 5,200 - 63,200 Apply Now
12th Pass Govt Jobs - 18,000+ Vacancies Rs. 5,200 - 92,300 Apply Now
ITI Pass Jobs - 3,500 Vacancies Rs. 5,200 - 35,000 Apply Now
Any Graduate Jobs - 19,100 Vacancies Rs. 5,200 - 92,300 Apply Now
Central Govt Jobs Rs. 5,200 - 17,000 Apply Now
Bank Jobs - 1,000 Vacancies Rs. 5,200 - 29,200 Apply Now
Diploma Jobs - 9,300 Vacancies Rs. 5,200 - 35,000 Apply Now
BTech/BE Jobs - 18,000 Vacancies Rs. 15,000 - 1,00,000 Apply Now
Data Entry Jobs - 1,300 Vacancies Rs. 5,200 - 29,200 Apply Now
Private Jobs Rs. 10,000 - 67,700 Apply Now