LISP MCQ Online Quiz Questions and Answers

LISP MCQ Quiz Questions and Answer| LISP Multiple Choice Questions and Answer

LISP MCQ Online Quiz: We have listed the 30 Lisp MCQ Online test questions. Those who are preparing for interviews may use this great chance. Lisp is the second-oldest high-level programming language still in use. Lisp empowers programmers to write programs faster. An empirical study shows that when programmers tackle the same problems in Lisp, C/C ++ and Java, that the Lisp programs are smaller take less time to develop and run faster. Here we have given the four alternatives answer and you have to select the correct answer. Practice the LISP MCQ questions regularly. This is the great way to learn the basic questions of LISP online quiz questions. Aspirants take the below LISP online quiz question and test your knowledge now.

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 Here are the LISP MCQ Online Quiz Questions

1. What is the programming structure for LISP?

  1. Lists
  2. Atom
  3. String
  4. All of these

Answer: All of these

2. Which predicate tests to see if its first argument is an element of its second argument?

  2.  =
  3. EQ
  4. None of the mentioned

Answer: MEMBER

3. Which forms offer an alternative to the recursive transformation cliche?

  1. Maplist
  2. Mapdata
  3. Mapcar
  4. All of the mentioned

Answer: Mapcar

4. Which of the following is the basic building blocks of S-expressions?

  1. Atoms
  2. Numbers
  3. Lists
  4. Predicates

Answer: Atoms

5. What is the output of the following statement?

span class=”sy0″> * (mapcar #’oddp ‘(1 2 3))

  1. NIL
  2. T NIL
  3. T
  4. T NIL T

Answer: T NIL T

6. What are the three functions required by LISP?

  1. Name of the function
  2. Body of the function
  3. Parameters of the function
  4. All of these

Answer: All of these 

7. Is LISP a case sensitive language?

  1. No
  2. Yes

Answer: No

8. What is called the symbol manipulation in LISP?

  1. Atoms
  2. List processing
  3. Lists
  4. None of above

Answer: List processing

9. Which are the general -purpose dialects of LISP?

  1. Common LISP
  2. Clojure
  3. Common LISP and Scheme
  4. All of the Above

Answer: All of the Above

10. What is the output of the following statement?

  1. T NIL T
  2. T NIL
  3. NIL T NIL
  4. None of the mentioned

Answer: NIL T NIL

11. Which of the following is part of basic syntax in LISP programming?

  1. #include
  2. +
  3. NULL
  4. Primitive

Answer: Primitive

12. The LISP facilitates_________ in computer science learning?

  1. Procedure abstraction
  2. Data abstraction
  3. Both Procedure & Data abstraction
  4. None of above

Answer: Both Procedure & Data abstraction

13. A single LISP program has __________arguments

  1. Four
  2. Three
  3. Two
  4. Any number of arguments

Answer: Any number of arguments

14. Can LISP program be nested?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Answer: Yes

15. In LISP, what is meant by symbolic expression?

  1. Atoms
  2. List
  3. Words
  4. Atoms and list

Answer: Atoms and list

16. Which is used to produce a procedure object from a procedure name?

  1. #
  2. BEQ
  3. EQUAL
  4. None of the mentioned

Answer: #

17. _________ is the notation used for writing LISP syntax

  1. Postfix
  2. Prefix
  3. Infix
  4. None of above

Answer: Prefix

18. What does LISP stands for?

  1. Like Processing
  2. Light Processing
  3. List Processing
  4. None of above

Answer: List Processing

19. The original LISP machines produced by both LMI and Symbolics were based on research performed at_________

  1. RAMD
  2. MIT
  3. CMU
  4. Stanford University

Answer: MIT

20. How many types of arguments are available in LISP?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Answer: 4

21. Which of the following symbol is used to represent the prompt in LISP?

  1. &
  2. $
  3. *
  4. #

Answer: *

22. Which of the following is used to build the LISP producers?

  1. Data
  2. Primitives
  3. Definition
  4. All of the Above

Answer: Primitives

23. The symbol represents a____________ in LISP.

  1. Data structure
  2. Data type
  3. Data type and data object
  4. All of the Above

Answer: All of the Above

24. Language model used in LISP is ________

  1. Logic programming
  2. Object oriented programming
  3. Functional programming
  4. All of the Above

Answer: Functional programming

25. LISP was developed by __________

  1. John McCarthy
  2. Konrad Zuse
  3. Dennis Ritchie
  4. None of them

Answer: John McCarthy

26. The files are specified as ___________ in LISP.

  1. Booleans
  2. Characters
  3. Strings
  4. All of the Above

Answer: Strings

27. Which types of Variable are used in LISP ?

  1. special variable
  2. Lexical variable
  3. special variable
  4. Both A & B

Answer: Both A & B

28. What does Lisp mean?

  1. List Processing Language
  2. Local Programme
  3. LISt of Programming Language
  4. Both A & B

Answer: List Processing Language

29. Which of the following function returns, if the object is a number in LISP?

  1. numberp <object>
  2. numeric <object>
  3. number <object>
  4. numericp <object>

Answer: numberp <object>

30. The addition 3 + 2 is entered as ___ in LISP.

  1. 3 + 2
  2. (3+2)
  3. add 2
  4. None of them

Answer: 3 add 2

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