DBMS MCQ Quiz Questions with Answers- Important Database Management System Quiz

Database Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | 30 Important Database Management MCQ Questions and Answers

Database Management System MCQ (DBMS): DBMS is abbreviated Database Management System is the most important subject for candidates who are preparing for interviews and competitive exams. In this section, we have to listed about most commonly asked DBMS interview questions/dbms mcq for placement/dbms mcq questions for competitive exams/dbms mcq online test with answers are given below. Practice these type of DBMS( Database Management System ) MCQ questions to test your knowledge now before attending the interviews and competitive exams. Let us read the Database multiple choice questions/DBMS MCQ questions/datebase management mcq questions and answers and then select the best answers. We have regularly update General Knowledge questions with answers.

Learning database management system (DBMS) concept is essential even if your are just trying to get better at your current job.  Read the given below dbms ( database management system) mcq questions clearly. Practice the  MCQ questions on Database management system may improve your performance in the Exams and Interview. Time Management for answering the DBMS multiple choice questions/Database Management System MCQ Questions quickly is most important for success in Competitive Exams and Interviews. This below dbms multiple choice questions are convenient for candidates who are preparing interviews/placement/competitive exams etc. To know Artificial Intelligence MCQ questions and answers get in touch with our site regularly.

Read the Given Below DBMS MCQ Questions and Answers:

1. The given Query can also be replaced with_______

SELECT name, course_id  

FROM instructor, teaches  

WHERE instructor_IDteaches_ID;  

  1. Select name, course_id from instructor natural join teaches:
  2. Select name,course_id from teaches,instructor where instructor_id=course_id;
  3. Select name, course_id from instructor;
  4. Select course_id from instructor join teaches;

Answer: Select name, course_id from instructor natural join teaches

2. A Database Management System is a type of _________software

  1. It is a kind of application software
  2. It is a kind of general software
  3. It is a type of system software
  4. None of the above

Answer: It is a type of system software

3.  Which of the following provides the ability to query information from the database and insert tuples into, delete tuples from, and modify tuples in the database?

  1. Query
  2. DDL(Data Definition Language)
  3. DML(Data Manipulation Language)
  4. Relational Schema

Answer: DML(Data Manipulation Language)

4. Which of the following is generally used for performing tasks like creating the structure of the relations, deleting relation?

  1. DML(Data Manipulation Language)
  2. DDL(Data Definition Language)
  3. Query
  4. Relational Schema

Answer: DDL(Data Definition Language)

5. What do you mean by one to many relationships?

  1. Many teachers may have many classes
  2. One class may have many teachers
  3. One teacher can have many classes
  4. Many classes may have many teachers

Answer: One teacher can have many classes

6. Which one of the following given statements possibly contains the error?

  1. select * from emp where empid = 10003;
  2. select empid from emp where empid = 10006;
  3. select empid where empid = 1009 and Lastname = ‘GELLER’;
  4. select empid from emp;

Answer: select empid where empid = 1009 and Lastname = ‘GELLER’;

7. Which of the following can be used to extract or filter the data & information from the data warehouse?

  1. Data redundancy
  2. Data recovery tool
  3. Data mining
  4. None of the above

Answer: Data mining

8. Which one of the following refers to the “data about data”?

  1. Directory
  2. Meta Data
  3. Sub Data
  4. Warehouse

Answer: Meta Data

9. The term “NTFS” refers to which one of the following?

  1. New Tree File System
  2. New Table type File System
  3. New Technology File System
  4. All of above

Answer: New Technology File System

10. Which of the following can be considered as the maximum size that is supported by FAT?

  1. 8GB
  2. 12GB
  3. C4GB
  4. None of the above

Answer: 4GB

11. A huge collection of the information or data accumulated form several different sources is known as ________

  1. Data Warehouse
  2. Data Management
  3. Data Mining
  4. Both B and C

Answer: Data Warehouse

12. Which of the following can be considered as the maximum size that is supported by NTFS?

  1. 16TB
  2. 64TB
  3. 4GB
  4. 8TB

Answer: 4GB

13. The term “FAT” is stands for_____

  1. File Allocation Table
  2. File Allocation Tree
  3. File Allocation Graph
  4. All of the above

Answer: File Allocation Table

14.  Which of the following refers to the level of data abstraction that describes exactly how the data actually stored?

  1. Conceptual Level
  2. Physical Level
  3. File Level
  4. Physical Level

Answer: Physical Level

15. To which of the following the term “DBA” referred?

  1. Database Administrator
  2. Data Bank Administrator
  3. Data Administrator
  4. None of the above

Answer: Database Administrator

16.  The term “Data” refers to_______

  1. Row Facts and figures
  2. The electronic representation of the information( or data)
  3. Basic information
  4. None of the above

Answer: Row Facts and figures

17.  In general, a file is basically a collection of all related______.

  1. Rows & Columns
  2. Database
  3. Fields
  4. Records

Answer: Records

18. Which one of the following refers to the copies of the same data (or information) occupying the memory space at multiple places_________

  1. Data Redundancy
  2. Data Repository
  3. Data Mining
  4. Data Inconsistency

Answer: Data Redundancy

19.  Which one of the following is a type of Data Manipulation Command?

  1. Delete
  2. Alter
  3. Create
  4. All of the above

Answer:  Delete

20. In the relational table, which of the following can also be represented by the term “attribute”?

  1. Row
  2. Column
  3. Entity
  4. None of the above

Answer: Entity

21. Which of the following is used in the application programs to request data from the database management system?

  1. Data Definition Language
  2. Data Manipulation language
  3. Data Control Language
  4. All of the above

Answer: Data Manipulation language

22. Which of the following refers to the number of attributes in a relation?

  1. Row
  2. Degree
  3. Column
  4. All of the above

Answer: Degree

23. Which one of the following command is used to delete the existing row in a table?

  1. Insert
  2. Delete
  3. Update
  4. None of the above

Answer: Delete

24. Which of the following commands is used to save any transaction permanently into the database?

  1. Rollback
  2. Commit
  3. Savepoint
  4. None of the above

Answer: Commit

25. Which one of the following commands is used for removing (or deleting) a relation forms the SQL database?

  1. Remove
  2. Drop
  3. Delete
  4. All of the above

Answer: Drop

26. Which of the following is a top-down approach in which the entity’s higher level can be divided into two lower sub-entities?

  1. Aggregation
  2. Generalization
  3. Specialization
  4. All of the above

Answer: Specialization

27. In a relation database, every tuples divided into the fields are known as the______.

  1. Domains
  2. Queries
  3. Relations
  4. All of the above

Answer: Domains

28. The term “TCL” stands for_____.

  1. Transmission Control Language
  2. Ternary Control Language
  3. Transaction Central Language
  4. Transaction Control Language

Answer: Transaction Control Language

29. Which one of the following, the multiple lower entities are grouped (or combined) together to form a single higher-level entity?

  1. Generalization
  2. Specialization
  3. Aggregation
  4. None of the above

Answer: Generalization

30. Which of the following command is a type of Data Definition language command?

  1. Create
  2. Update
  3. Delete
  4. Merge

Answer: Create

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