Hadoop MCQ Quiz & Online Test Questions| Hadoop Multiple Choice Questions and Answer PDF
Hadoop MCQ with Answer : Hadoop is one of the most valuable skills to learn today, which will be give you a rewarding job. Hadoop is an open source framework that is used to efficiently store and process large datasets ranging in size from gigabytes to petabytes of data. We have prepared 30 important Hadoop exam questions and answer for candidates purpose. This is for useful section, so candidates don’t miss the opportunity to learn Hadoop basic questions. Candidates who are interested in Hadoop sections spend your time in this blog. Candidate must able to write a reliable, manageable and high performance code these are required skills of Hadoop. There are many job opportunities opening for freshers in this Hadoop field. You have to learn this Hadoop objective questions with answer/Hadoop MCQ questions and answer/Hadoop MCQ online quiz questions.
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Hadoop Objective online Questions and Answer Quiz
1. ___________ part of the MapReduce is responsible for processing one or more chunks of data and producing the output results
- Mapper
- Maptask
- Task execution
- All of the mentioned
Answer: Maptask
2. What is a Metadata in Hadoop?
- Information about the data stored in data nodes
- User information
- Data stored by user
- None of these
Answer: Information about the data stored in data nodes
3. Output of the mapper is first written on the local disk for sorting and _________ process
- forking
- secondary sorting
- shuffling
- reducing
Answer: shuffling
4. Which of the following allows to secure remote command line access?
- telnet
- SSH(Secure Shell)
- Rlogin
Answer: SSL
5. The Hadoop tool used for uniformly spreading the data across the data nodes is named _________
- Balancer
- Scheduler
- Reporter
- Spreader
Answer: Balancer
6. A ________ serves as the master and there is only one NameNode per cluster.
- NameNode
- Data Node
- Data block
- Replication
Answer: NameNode
7. Which of the following statements is not a characteristic of hadoop?
- Suitable for Big Data Analysis
- Robust
- Scalability
- Fault Tolerance
Answer: Robust
8. Hadoop framework is written in which language ?
- Java
- C
- Python
- None
Answer: Java
9. Which of the following are true about Hadoop?
- Distributed Processing Framework
- Open Source
- Distributed Storage Framework
- All of above
Answer: All of above
10. Which of the following are false about Hadoop?
- Master & Slave both are worker nodes
- Slaves are actual worker node
- Hadoop works in Master-Slave fashion
- User submit his work on master, which distribute it to slaves
Answer: Master & Slave both are worker nodes
11. A file in HDFS that is smaller than a single block size__________
- Occupies the full block’s size
- Cannot be stored in HDFS
- Occupies only the size it needs and not the full block
- Can span over multiple blocks
Answer: Occupies only the size it needs and not the full block
12. Expand JVM What is its full form_________
- All of above
- None
13. The source of HDFS architecture in Hadoop originated as
- Facebook distributed filesystem
- Yahoo distributed filesystem
- Google distributed filesystem
- None of the above
Answer: Google distributed filesystem
14. Fungsi Filter dapat ditemukan pada palette___________
- Source Palette
- Transformator Palette
- Assembly Palette
- Sink Palette
Answer: Assembly Palette
15. Which type of data Hadoop can deal with?
- Semi-Structured
- Unstructured
- Structured
- All of the above
Answer: All of the above
16. Processing engine pada hadoop bernama___________
- Map Reduce
- Tracker
- Semuanya benar
Answer: Map Reduce
17. Yang bukan komponen Hadoop Cluster_________
- Master Node
- Slave Node
- Data Node
- Job Node
Answer: Job Node
18. Hadoop Framework is written in_________
- c++
- Java
- scala
- python
Answer: Java
19. What is the slave daemon of Map reduce?
- Task Tracker
- NameNode
- Data Node
- Node Manager
Answer: Task Tracker
20. What is the default block size?
- 64 MB
- 128 MB
- 32MB
- 218 MB
Answer: 128 MB
21. What is the default Replication factor?
- 2
- 3
- 8
- 10
Answer: 3
22. What is HDFS?
- Batch processing engine
- Storage layer
- Resource Management Layer
- None of the above
Answer: Storage layer
23.The hadoop frame work is written in_________
- Java
- Python
- C++
- None
Answer: Java
24.The daemons associated with the MapReduce phase are ________ and task-trackers
- map-tracker
- reduce-tracker
- job-tracker
- All of above
Answer: job-tracker
25. The command “hadoop fs -test -z URI “ gives the result 0 if_________
- if the path is a file
- if the path is a directory
- if the path is not empty
- if the file is zero lengt
Answer: if the file is zero length
26. Hive was created by_________
- Yahoo
Answer: Facebook
27.Under HDFS federation__________
- Failure of one namenode causes loss of some metadata availability from the entire filesystem
- Each namenode manages metadata of a portion of the filesystem
- Each datanode registers with each namenode
- Each namenode manages metadata of the entire filesystem
Answer: Each namenode manages metadata of a portion of the filesystem
28. The property used to set the default filesystem for Hadoop in core-site. xml is________
- fs.default
- fs.defaultFS
- filesystem.default
- hdfs.default
Answer: fs.default
29.What is the master daemon of HDFS?
- Job tracker
- NodeManager
- NameNode
- Resource Manager
Answer: NameNode
30. DFS stands for __________
- Deputed File System
- Distributed File System
- Disk File System
- Drive File System
Answer: Deputed File System
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