JKSSB Finance Sub Inspector Syllabus 2024 | JK Finance Sub Inspector Syllabus | Finance Sub Inspector Syllabus Jammu & Kashmir | JKSSB Finance Sub Inspector Exam Pattern 2024
JKSSB Finance Sub Inspector Syllabus 2024: Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board going to conduct the selection process for the post of Finance Sub Inspector. The various vacancies are allocated for the Finance Sub Inspector Post. Many of the candidates applying for this JKSSB Recruitment. The Selection process is based on the written test and interview. Candidates will choose through selection process. In the Official notification, the JK Finance Sub Inspector Syllabus and JKSSSB FSI Exam Pattern is given. Candidates use this page to get the details about the examination like Jammu & Kashmir FSI Syllabus, JK Finance Sub Inspector Exam Pattern, Exam Date, Admit Card etc., will be uploaded in the organisation’s website. Must download the JKSSSB FSI Syllabus for examination.
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The written examination process is not for all above mentioned jobs. If You Select the written examination, will move on Interview Process. However, JKSSB will conduct written examination in case of large number of Applications received. Whatever it is, be prepared for the written examination. Candidates should download the JKSSB Finance Sub Inspector Syllabus. The syllabus is important think of the examination. The JK Finance Sub Inspector Syllabus Pdf consists of subject wise subtopics. It hopefully prepares the examination easily. Candidates use official website to download the Jammu and Kashmir FSI Syllabus Pdf.
Summary Of JK Finance Sub Inspector Syllabus
Organization Name | Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board |
Job Profile | Finance Sub Inspector |
Type of Exam | Written Exam |
Exam Date | announced shortly |
Category | Syllabus |
Official Website Link | jkssb.nic.in |
JKSSB FSI Syllabus
The Organisation JKSSB is uploaded the JKSSB Finance Sub Inspector Syllabus in the Official notification. Candidates download JKSSB FSI Syllabus Pdf easily. Those who will secure the minimum qualifying marks in the JKSSB Examination, placed at Jammu and Kashmir. The JKSSB Finance Sub Inspector Syllabus contains subject wise subtopics in the Jammu and Kashmir FSI Syllabus Pdf.
Tenses-Rearranging of jumbled sentences-Narration-Models-Articles-Comprehension with blanks to be filled in with-Phrases-Pronouns-Homonyms / homophones-Clauses-Synonyms and antonyms-Pairs of words and their use in meaningful sentences-Idioms and phrases-Uses of Prepositions-Active & Passive Voice
Indian History with special reference to Freedom struggle-First in world (Adventure, Sports, Discoveries)-First in India (Adventure, Sports, Discoveries)-Popular Personalities (Politics, Scientific discoveries, Geographical, Sports, History)-The Newspaper world – (Current Dailies & Weeklies of India)-Languages & Culture-International Organisations- UNO, WHO, WTO, IMF, UNESCO, UNCTAD etc-Important Regional Organizations and Blocs- BRICS, OPEC, ASEAN, SAARC, BIMSTEC, G-20, G-7 etc-Sustainable Development Goals-Communicable Diseases- cure and prevention-NCDC- COVID-19 – SOPs, Advisories, Guidelines etc-World famous Awards-The world of Sports-Climate & Crops in India-Political & Physical divisions of world & India-Important Rivers & Lakes in India-Current Events of National and International importance-Agriculture in economic development; Industrialization and economic development-Foreign Trade & Balance of payments-New economic reforms-Inflation, Monitory Policy, Fiscal Policy, Capital Markets, Role of RBI, Taxation in India- Direct & Indirect Tax – CBDT, GST etc.,-india’s Atomic Research Programme-Thermal / Nuclear/ Hydro Power Plants in India.
Popular names of personalities and their achievements/ Contribution (National and International)-Weather, Climate, Crops, Means of Transport-J&K History, Economy and Culture-Flora and Fauna of J&K-Rivers and Lakes-Important Tourist Destinations-J&K Panchayati Raj Act, 1989 (as amended up to December, 2020), 73rd & 74th Constitutional amendments-J&K Re organisation Act, 2019.
Various sources of energy; conventional sources of energy; improvement in technology for using conventional source of energy (Biomass and wind energy)-Non-conventional sources of energy (Solar energy, Tidal energy)-Mechanics, Rest, motion, Velocities, acceleration, Newton Laws of motion-Voltage, Current, Resistance, Power, D.C Batteries-Waves, light as a wave, Sound waves, Transverse and longitudinal waves-Structure of Atom-Solids, Liquids and Gases (Basics)-Life processes: Nutrition and its types, Respiration, Transportation of water, food and minerals in plants-Vitamins- Diseases related to vitamin deficiency-Environmental pollution-Ecosystem – Its components, Food chains and Food webs-Ozone layer, its depletion, Green House Effect-Importance of water in life.
Number series-Letter series-Coding decoding-Direction sense-Blood relations-Mathematical reasoning-Speed, Distance and Time-Statements and conclusions-Logical Reasoning-Mental Reasoning.
Fundamentals of computer sciences-Hardware & Software-Input and output devices-Operating system-M.S Word, M.S Excel, M.S Access and Powerpoint Presentation-E-mail & Internet .
How to Download JKSSB Finance Sub Inspector Syllabus Pdf
- Interested and Applied candidates check the official website @ jkssb.nic.in.
- Select the JKSSB recruitment notification 2024.
- Read the notification thoroughly.
- And then prepare for the Selection process.
- Download the JK Finance Sub Inspector Syllabus/ JKSSB FSI Syllabus Pdf.
While using this page, candidates must downlod JK Finanace Sub Inspector Syllabus Pdf. Kindly follow the daily recruitment site more jobs and education related article updates.
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