Agriculture Multiple Choice Questions and Answers| 30 MCQ on Indian Agriculture Objective Questions
Agriculture Quiz: Agriculture plays a critical role in the entire life of a given economy. Agriculture is the backbone of the economic system of a given country. provides 30 Indian Agriculture GK questions and answers for the applicants who are preparing for competitive exams such as UPSC, FCI and other government jobs. General Knowledge topic is more easier than other topic. We are going to update the Agriculture GK Quiz Questions/ General Knowledge Questions on Agriculture/ General Agriculture Questions & Answers/multiple choice questions on agriculture/mcq on agriculture to get additional knowledge in GK. These mcq on Agriculture questions are very useful for competitive exams. Here you have test your knowledge by attending the Indian Agriculture mcq Quiz Questions and also get your marks for GK Quiz.
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Read the Given Below Multiple Choice questions and answers on agriculture
1. National Biodiversity Authority is located at _________
- Nagpur
- Chennai
- New Delhi
- Gurgaon
Answer: Chennai
2. All India Coordinated Vegetable Improvement Project (AICVIP) was started in _____
- 1991-92
- 1981-82
- 1970-71
- 1960-61
Answer: 1970-71
3. Which element found highest in earth crust?
- Aluminum
- Oxygen
- Silicon
- Iron
Answer: Oxygen
4. Under the All India Coordinated Vegetable Improvement Project (AICVIP), India is divided into agro-climatic zones
- 12
- 18
- 8
- 24
Answer: 8
5. The rocks formed by alteration by heat and pressure is called _____
- Metamorphic rock
- Igneous rock
- Sedimentary rock
- None
Answer: Metamorphic rock
6. Father of Horticulture_____________
- Liberty Hyde Bailey
- Thomas Andrew Knight
- John Lindley
- All of the above
Answer: Liberty Hyde Bailey
7. Word “Horticulture” is derived from _________
- English
- Latin
- Greek
- Italic
Answer: Latin
8. Slate is metamorphs from which rock____________
- Dolomite
- Granite
- Sandstone
- Shale
Answer: Shale
9. Attraction between two dissimilar molecules is called _____
- Cohesion
- Adhesion
- Attraction
- Flocculation
Answer: Adhesion
10. CO2 concentration in soil air___________
- 2.5%
- 0.025%
- 0.0025%
- 0.25%
Answer: 0.25%
11. Filter chamber of Homopterans helps in rapid removal of _______
- Nitrogen
- Excretory material
- Water
- Salts
Answer: Water
12. The method of harvesting a crop which leaves the roots and the lower parts of the plant uncut to give the subtle crops is known as ___________
- Mulching
- Intensive farming
- Zero tillage farming
- Ratooning
Answer: Ratooning
13. Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology (CIPHET) is located at ________
- Ludhiana
- Gurgaon
- Haryana
- Pune
Answer: Ludhiana
14. International Potato Research Centre at _________
- Shimla
- Peru
- Rome
Answer: Peru
15. Main crop of Madhya Pradesh is_____________
- Wheat
- Maize
- Bajra
- Rice
Answer: Wheat
16. Early blight is a disease of __________
- Rice
- Maize
- Potato
- Sugarcane
Answer: Potato
17. Which one of the following is not a commercial crop____________
- Banana
- Sugarcane
- Cotton
- Bajra
Answer: Bajra
18. Black arm disease in Cotton is caused due to ________
- Deficiency of Iron
- Fungus
- Bacteria
- Deficiency of Nitrogen
Answer: Bacteria
19. Agricultural census is conducted after every____________
- 2 years
- 3 years
- 4 years
- 5 years
Answer: 5 years
20. Alluvial soils vary in nature from sandy loam to clay. They are generally____________
- poor in both potash and phosphorus
- rich in potash but poor in phosphorous
- poor in potash and rich in phosphorus
- rich in both potash and phosphorus
Answer: rich in potash but poor in phosphorous
21. National Research Centre for Litchi (NRCL) is located at _________
- Muzaffarpur
- Pune
- Kolkata
- Lucknow
Answer: Muzaffarpur
22. Central Drug Research Institute is situated at _________
- New Delhi
- Hyderabad
- Mumbai
- Lucknow
Answer: Lucknow
23. Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI) is located at ________
- Bikaner
- Pune
- Jodhpur
- Nagpur
Answer: Jodhpur
24. Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research (DOGR) is situated at ________
- Nasik
- Lucknow
- Shimla
- New Delhi
Answer: Nasik
25. Primary resource for agriculture____________
- Seed, air and water
- Land, air and water
- Seed, Fertilizer and Pesticide
- Land, Fertilizer and water
Answer: Land, air and water
26. Instrument used for measuring wind velocity is known as __________
- Pyranometer
- Hydrometer
- Altimeter
- Anemometer
Answer: Anemometer
27. Principles of mercury barometers was discovered by_________
- Aristotle
- Torricelli
- Pliny
- Galileo
Answer: Torricelli
28. Climate pertains to a __________
- Short duration
- Long period of time
- Medium duration
- None
Answer: Long period of time
29. The book ‘Horse hoeing husbandry’ was published by _______
- Jethro tull
- Gregor Johann Mendel
- Van Helmont
- None
Answer: Jethro tull
30. The term agronomy is derived from ________
- Spanish
- Latin word
- German word
- Greek word
Answer: Greek word
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